Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children

Psychiatric Disorder Characterized by Attention Problems, Increased Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity

This psychiatric disorder manifests with attention problems, increased impulsivity, and excessive hyperactivity, which are inappropriate for the individual's age and developmental level.


  • Difficulty paying attention to details; makes careless mistakes in homework or other activities.
  • Has a very short attention span.
  • Distorted sense of time.
  • Disruptions in routines.
  • High levels of disorganization, including the child’s bag, room, and mind.
  • Struggles to fulfill responsibilities.
  • Experiences forgetfulness.
  • Hyperactivity prominent in childhood often transitions to restlessness in adolescence.
  • Often has difficulty waiting for their turn.

When diagnosing this condition in a child, feedback from family, environment, and school is utilized, along with clinical observation and the WISC-IV intelligence test.